Should I Write During the Holidays?

Finally! Some time off from work, some mornings to truly sleep in, a chance to make some real progress on our writing projects.

Or is it?

The holidays seem like the perfect time to write, what with the break from the usual grind: If we’re morning writers, we don’t have all the day’s upcoming work hanging over our heads, making it hard to sink into the story. If we’re evening writers, we’re not already spent and exhausted from the day’s work.

Perfect conditions. And if we have supportive family, a gift for protecting our time and solitude, and drama-free holiday meals? We can get a lot done.

But how many times have holidays come and gone and that laptop stays closed, that magical three-hour uninterrupted block of solitude never materializes?

If you’re like me, OFTEN!

Writing is a kind of work, and it’s okay for your holiday from work to include a holiday from writing. It will be there when you come back.

I try to be really kind to myself during this time. Heck. It’s busy! And it’s nice to have unstructured days, without the pressure of accomplishment. We need that downtime.

Even so, extended time away from writing can create barriers to sinking in later. And the brain science of habit-forming shows us that consistency is key.

Because of that, I do keep my commitment to write 4–6 times a week. HOWEVER, I set zero expectations as far as productivity. I literally just show up, open the laptop, set a timer for 15 minutes, and be present to what wants to happen. If I write for more than the allotted time, super. If I don’t write at all, but I also refrain from social media, games, or any other inputs, it’s still winning. I have shown my muse that I will protect her space. I have reinforced the habit.

Then, when January rolls around, I can jump right back in. Rested and, maybe, filled with words that have built up and can’t wait to spill onto the page.

If you’re interesting in working with an editor, let me know. I’m building my winter schedule right now.